1. Stairmaster Warm Up (5 minutes)
  2. Medicine Ball Slam (3 sets x 15 reps)
  3. Alternating Ropes (3 sets x 30 seconds)
  4. Bosu Ball Burpees (3 sets x 12 reps)
  5. Sled Push (3 sets)

Rest Duration (60 seconds)

Daiam's got the perfect routine to power-up your leg day! If you're not sure how to do any exercises, click the link for a brief demonstration.

Warm Up


Perform all six exercises and repeat the circuit for four rounds. Rest for twenty seconds after each exercise and one min after each round.

Cool Down

End your workout with a 10-15 minutes of bicycle at 75% intensity.

  1. Jump Rope (5 minutes)
  2. Pull-Ups (25,20,15,10,5 REPS)
  3. Dips (25,20,15,10,5 REPS)
  4. Push-Ups (25,20,15,10,5 REPS)
  5. Air Squats (25,20,15,10,5 REPS)
  6. Walking Lunges (5 ROUNDS-20yrds)

Rest duration between exercises will vary depending on individual, but 30-60 seconds is recommended.


Don’t start your workout cold! Kari gives us some tips and pointers to help us maximize our range of motion, limit chance of injury, and train strong.

[vimeo 339209749 w=600]

Round Break

Round Break

1-2 minute rest between rounds. Repeat 2-3 times.

Rest duration between exercises will vary depending on individual, but 30-60 seconds is recommended.


  1. Bike Warm Up (5 minutes)
  2. Barbell Deadlift (5 sets x 15 reps)
  3. Dumbbell Walking Lunges (3 rounds, down/back)
  4. Single-Leg Kettlebell Deadlift (3 sets x 15 reps each leg)
  5. Dumbbell Step-Up (2 sets x 20 reps each leg)
  6. Plate Loaded Bridges (3 sets x 10 pause reps)

Rest duration between exercises will vary depending on individual, but 30-60 seconds is recommended.


1.    Jump Lunge - 60 seconds

2.     Dumbbell squat - 25 reps

3.     Log Jump - 60 seconds

4.     Dumbbell Row - 25 reps

5.     Squat Jumps - 60 seconds (soft landings!)

6.     Dumbbell Chest Press - 25 reps

7.     Squat Jacks - 60 seconds

8.     Dumbbell Should Press - 25 reps

9.     Broad Jump - 60 seconds

10.     Dumbbell Curls - 25 reps

11.     Box Jumps - 60 seconds

12.     Dumbbell Tricep Extensions - 25 reps

13.     Box Step Ups - 60 seconds (alternating)

Complete 2-3 rounds at your own pace! Rest durations will vary depending on individual, but 30-60 seconds is recommended.

Do full circuit, rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times.

Walking dumbbell lunges 15 per side. Hold dumbbells at your sides while
doing the lunges.

Split jumps 1 minute. Stand in lunges position jump up and switch legs
repeatedly for the 1 minute.

Kettlebell row single arm. Standing with your feet apart slight forward
lean, keeping back straight pull kettlebell up into a row. Repeat 12-15
times per side.

Jump rope for 1 minute.

Squat into a dumbbell shoulder press 12–15 per side. Standing with legs hip-width apart, hold dumbbells at your shoulders, squat down then stand back up and lift arm into an overhead press.

Squat jumps 12-15. Squat down and jump up swinging your arms over head.

Standing bicep curls (do both arms together). Don’t swing your arms, keep them controlled both ways. 12-15 reps.

Jump rope 1 more minute.

Rest 1 minute and repeat circuit 2 more times.

Chelsea demonstrates a basic resistance-band row that you can add to your routine today!

1.     Squat 5 sets/5 reps

2.     Squat Hold 3 rounds/30 seconds

3.     Deadlift 5 sets/5 reps

4.     Wall Sits 3 rounds/30 seconds

5.     Bench Press 5 sets/5 reps

6.     Push-ups 3 rounds/30 seconds

7.     Barbell Row 5 sets/5reps

8.     Pull-ups 3 rounds/30 seconds

(rest duration 60 seconds!)


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