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Here's a great routine to challenge the start of your new year.  Let's welcome in 20/10!!  Feel free to leave us a comment on what you thought of the routine!

Start by warming up your abs with a slow crunch exercise, legs completely extended on the floor about 10-20 reps.

 Grab a Stability Ball, Kettle Bell, Jump Rope, and a Bosu

 45 minutes total

 Dynamic stretches and warmup: walking hip stretch (pull one knee straight up toward chest with good posture and stretch, then step forward moving to the next side), toe touches, light jog, upper body stretches to loosen up neck and shoulders.

 Overhead squats on Bosu (light to no weight) 20 reps

Stability ball pushups 10 reps

Deadlift alternate single leg 20 reps

Dips (straight arm or full dip) 10 reps

Combination jump rope 20 right foot, 20 left, 10 right, 10 left (repeat for one minute)

Plank row Dumbbell 10 reps alternating

Lateral lunge with rotation Medicine Ball 20 reps alternating

Chinups (add assistance if needed) 10 reps

Decline crunch with MB reach 20 reps

Kettle Bell swings 10 reps

 Repeat all 2x

 Have fun!!!!

 Rose Barker ACSM CPT

I like recipes that can be whipped up at the last minute with things on hand and still be healthy! See my notes at the end 🙂  Kari Hall ACSM HFS



1. In medium bowl, combine salmon, parsley, olives, onion, oil, lemon peel and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.

2. To make each sandwich, place 3 lettuce leaves on a tortilla. Top each with a quarter of the salmon salad, top with a few red pepper slices and tomato slices. Fold the tortilla about an inch over each end of the filling, then roll up. Makes 4 wraps.

Nutrition Facts

 **  Canned Salmon gives you all the nutrients and you can have it on hand for last minute healthy dinners!  Omega- 3 and Vitamin D!!!   Make sure you get the roasted Red Peppers in Water not oil!   Try La Tortilla Factory " low carb" 50 calorie tortillas for an even leaner version!

Quick healthy snacks, like fruits and vegetables can help energize your body while satisfying hunger.
The best way to ensure healthy eating when you're on the go is to plan ahead.

Here are some healthy eating tips:

Remember two things:

1.Healthy eating starts at the grocery store. If it's in your pantry you're going to eat it.
2.Fast food is simply not an option.

Stick to it.

“The 500”- 

Give this workout a try and let us know wht you think!

In each category you find three lifts and rotate the three continuously in reps of 10-20 until you reach 100 reps total.  The workout should total 500 reps using 100 reps from each category.


Looking for an exciting and true story of leadership?  Ernest Shackleton was a great explorer of the Antarctic and has been named one of the best leaders ever to have lived.  Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell co-author Shackleton's Way as not only a gripping tale about bravery, teamwork, and comradery, but also organize this book in a way that any person looking to build their business can uncover what success really asks of each individual.

Shackleton, you will learn, is a flawed man with a passion and understanding for people.  His greatest accomplishment by far is the way in which he taught every man, woman, and child who came close to him to stay positive, have humor and never give up!  He lead many expeditions through peril and hardship and upon arrival each man would say what brought them through was in simple terms, "Shakleton".

Obviously leadership lessons we have heard before, and they can become redundant.  I would say this is the only place in which this book can go wrong.  Even more, I would assume that most people will not refuse the strife imagined when fighting against months of ice and freezing conditions of the Antarctic.  You will not hear such praise for a leader as this.  His story is truly inspiring.  The book is broken into sections about Shakleton's life and within each chapter there are numerous, well planned guides referencing ways in which to use the power of this man's leadership skills to your own advantage and how exactly he inspired every man of his crew to survive the un-survivable.

The crew and story speak for themselves in this quote, "There was nothing petty in his own nature.  The one thing he demanded was cheerfulness from us all; and what he received from every man serving under him was absolute loyalty." -Leanard Hussey, meteorologist and Endurance crew member.

Rose Barker ACSM CPT

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Here is a delicious party dish or way to enjoy the pumpkin with less calories!



One large can of pumpkin

One large package of vanilla instant pudding mix (can choose sugar free if desired)

Apple juice or milk to consistency (about 1/2 cup or so )

Pumpkin Pie Spice to taste


Put canned pumpkin in a large bowl, add pudding mix and liquid and mix until blended.

Add in the pumpkin pie spices then refrigerate.  Use graham crackers to dip or apples are better for you!!

Now that we are in flu season again we are curious if people get flu shots or not.  Let us know why or why not in our comments section!

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If you've ever wondered which exercises to do to 'work' certain body parts, then this book would be immensely helpful to you. Full of nothing but detailed illustrations showing exercises that effectively stress the muscle groups of the body, this book has a lot to offer anyone who exercises. The book is divided into sections based on body parts and also includes common injuries associated with those body parts and how those injuries are acquired. Mr. Delavier is a skilled artist, which you will see through the pages as he illustrates all of the 'exercise demonstrators'.

The sections of the book are chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, buttocks, and abs. Why the buttocks received its own section is questionable but at the same time, I can definitely see that making the book attractive more-so to female exercisers as well. There's over 110 exercises in the book and a lot of them include variations of the movements, so if there's something in the book (e.g. a certain piece of equipment) that you don't have available to you, it's comforting to know you have other options.

Though the book is very visually detailed, has great illustrations, and tons of useful ideas, it doesn't quite deserve a full-on perfect score..

If you want something that's going to give you details on exercise PERFORMANCE, this will not entirely give justice to that. Though there are a few simple step-by-step bullet points for each exercise so you can 'go through the motions' of the movements, they're nothing more than you would find on the actual piece of exercise equipment itself. It would have been nice to learn of any special techniques or tricks to help the exerciser get more from the exercises (e.g. thumb less grip variations, driving through heels on lunges, etc.).  However, that's really all I can nit-pick about.

I didn't purchase the book to show me HOW to exercise, but rather to simply SHOW me exercises-and in that regard it completely succeeds. If you DO find that you need help on HOW to perform some of the exercises-that's what Personal Trainers are for! :o)


Book Review by Charlie Wilson, ACE Certified Personal Trainer


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